Le Lecon=3
*) A verb is the action word in a sentence.It is the word that says what happens,
discusses an action, or describes a state of being.French verbs must be
There are 2 forms of verbs which are mainly used in French, without which
sentences cannot be framed, Avoir means "to be " and Etre means "to have ",
will learn more on French verbs later.
*) Avoir :- Avoir means "to have " in most senses,including having in one's
possession and currently experiencing
*) Person *) Singular(pronunciation) *) Plural
>) 1st >) J'ai (je) >) Nous avons (noozavo)
>) 2nd >) Tu es(a) >) Vous avez (voozave)
>) 3rd >) ll/Ells est (a) >) lls/Elles ont (L,eelzo)
*) Examples :--
>) Je suis le professeur ( je suee le profeseuer)
>) Tu as indien? ( tu a andien)
>) ll est mon ami. ( eel a maun amee)
>) Elle est tres gentil. ( l a thre jentil)
>) J'ai le stylo ( je le steelo)
*) Negative sentences :--
>) In framing the negative sentence, "ne pas" is to be added, ne....(verb) pas.
*) Examples :-
ne (verb) pas
>) je (ne suis pas) le professeur (je n suee pa le profeseur)
( I am not the teacher)
>) Tu (n'as pas) lndien. (tu naa pa andien)
(You do not Indian)
>) ll (n'est pas) mon ami. ( eel ne pas maun amee)
(It is not my friend)
>) Elle (n'est pas) tres gentil. ( l ne pas thre jentil)
(It is not very nice)
>) Je (n'ai pas) le stylo ( je ne pa le steelo)
(I have no pen)
A.) Presently you and your classmate are having some of the objects,write
in French the five objects you are possessing.
e.g., J'ai le crayon ( je le khroyon)
( I have the pencil)
>) J'ai le bouteille d'eau ( je le boutille do)
( i have a bottle of water)
B.) Ecrivez en francais le sentences suivant
( Write in french the following sentences )
>) You don't have the car.
>) She doesn't have the book.
>) He is not having the pen.
>) We are having the bottle.
*) ANSWERS :--
B.) 1) Tu n'as pas la voiture. ( tu na pa la vchuyu)
2) Elle n'a pas le livre ( el na pa le leevre)
3) ll n'pas le stylo ( eel na pa le steelo)
4) Nous n'avons pas le bouteille ( nooz navo pa le boutille)
>) "They "always come before a noun .Like other adjectives,they agree in gender
and number with the noun; the masculine and feminine plural are identical:
*) Singular *) Plural *) English
>) Masc >) Fem
*) Mon(Maun) *) ma(maa) *) mes(me) my
*) Ton(tau) *) ta(ta) *) tes(tez) your
*) Son(sau) *) sa(saa) *) ses(sez) our
*) Notre(nothr) *) notre(nothr) *) nos(noz) our
*) Votre(vothr) *) votre(vothr) *) vos(voz) your
*) Leur(ler) *) leur(ler) *) les(lez) they
*) The possessive adjective is repeated before each noun and agrees with it:
USE: 1) The possessive adjectives is repeated before each noun and agrees
with it ;
>) Mon pere et ma mere sont avec moi.(My father and my mother are with me)
(Maun peha maun meh son avec mua.)
*) Here father is masculine therefore mon and mother feminine therefore ma,
We are talking of more than one person therefore <<sont>>.
2) Elle a ma voiture. (She is having my car.)
(L a maa vachyu.)
*) Here car is feminine therefore ma.
2) Son/sa/ses:-- They can all mean his,her or its.In French ,the form of the adjective
is determined by the gender and number of the noun that follows,and
not by the possessor.
>) ll apporte sa chateau (he is bringing his hat)
(Eel apporhte saa shatau)
*) Here hat is feminine therefore sa is used.
>) Je utilise mon stylo (i am using my pen)
(Je utileeze maun steelo)
*) Here hat is masculine.
3) ton/ta/tes and votre/vos
>) The two sets of words for << your >>, ton/ta/tes and votre/vos,correspond to
the two different forms tu and vous ; they must be used together with the same
*) Tu parles a ta mere?
(Tu pakhl a ta meh) (Are you talking to your mother?)
*) Here mother is feminine.
>) Es-ce que tu n'a pas ton stylo?
(esk tu na pa taun steelo) (Do you have your pen?)
Here pen is masculine.
*) Possessive Pronouns
>) Masculine >) Feminine >) Plural
*) Le mien *) la mienne *) Les mien(ne)s >> mine
*) Le tien *) la tienne *) les tien(ne)s >> yours
*) Le sien *) le sienne *) les sien(ne)s >> his/her/its
*) Le notre *) la notre *) les notres >> ours
*) Le votre *) la votre *) les votres >> yours
*) Pronunciation in English will remain the same in all the cases.
*) Mien---(meeyen) (mine) *)Tien---(Teeyen) (yours)
*) Sien----(Seeyen) (his) *) Notre--(nothr) (our)
*) Votre--(vothr) (your) *) Leur---(leur) (their)
*) Quelle livre il etudies,c'est le mienne ou le tienne?
(Kel leevr eel etudeeye,se le meeyen ouu le teeyen.)
>)Book which he is reading ,it is yours or mine.
*) Etes vous a votre maison?
(Eth vooz a vothr maizo.) (Are you at your home?)
*) A or de+possessive pronoun:-
>) The preposition "a" or "de" combine with articles "le" and "les"in the
usual way:
>) a+le mien-------------------------------> au mien (o meeyen) (mine)
>) a+les miens----------------------------> aux miens (o meeyen) ( to mine)
>) a+les miennes ------------------------> aux miennes (o meeyen) ( to mine)
>) de+le mien ----------------------------> du mien (doo meeyen) ( mine)
>) de+les miens -------------------------> des miens (dez meeyen) ( of mine)
>) de+les miennes ----------------------> des miennes (dez meeyen) ( of mine)
*) Tu demande tes parents, je demande aux mienne
(Tu deeman te paho,je deemand au meeyen.)
Eng:- You ask your parents,i ask mine.
Here we have used the term "parent" initially therefore we are not using
the term parent again so use "aux mine".If we want to use the term parent
then sentence will be :
Fre:- Tu demande tes parents,je demande mes parents.
ENg:-You ask your parents,i ask my parents.
*) L'exercise :-
A.Deux amis John and Joseph parlent entre deux,traduction en francais.
John :_ My father is an engineer and mother is a housewife.
Joseph :- My mother is a professeur.I am the college student.
John :- Stephanie is having my camera?
Joseph :- no she IS HAVING MINE.
John :- sorry !
Joseph :-no problem ! your brother is a college student or school student?
John :- He is a college student and my sister is school student.
B. Traduction les phrases suivant en anglais.
1) Elle est tres timide. (l a thre teemeed)
2) Je n'ai pas les timbres. (je ne pa lez teembre)
3) Elle a besoin de la serviette. (l a bezuan the la sehveeyete)
4) Tu as trop gros. ( tu a thro grho)
5) Nous n'avons pas notre livre. (mouz na avons paa nothr leevr.)
A.John - Mon pere est ingenieur et ma mere est la femme de foyer.
(Maun peh a angeneeyeur a ma meh a la farm de foyer.)
Joseph - Ma mere est professeur .Je suis le lycee.
( Ma meh a professeyueur.Je suee le leece)
John -Stephanie a mon appareil photo?
(Steephanie a maun apprehel photo.)
Joseph -no,elle a mien.
(No, l a meeyen)
John -pardon ou desolee.Votre pere est le lycee ou l'etudiant?
(Pakhdon ou dezolee.Vothe peh a le leece ou atudeeyent.)
John - ll est lycee et ma sceur est l'etudiante.(sister is feminine)
(L a leece a ma sir a atudeeyent.)
B. 1) She is very shy.
2) I don't have the stamps.
3) She needs towel.
4) You are very fat.
5) We don't have our book.
*) Lequel :- Its literally means << which >>,Lequel is a pronoun that replaces the
adjective quel and the noun it modifies.It expresses which one?
It has four different forms,since it must agree with the noun it
refers to:
*) Gender *) Singular *) Plural
>) masculine >) lequel(leekel) >) lesquels(lezkel)
>) Feminine >) laquelle(lakel) >) lesquelles(lezkel)
*) Lequel etc.combines with the prepositions "a" and "de" as follows :
>) A+lequel auxquel
>) A+lesquels auxquels
>) A+lesquelles auxquelles?
*) Okel is the pronunciation in all the cases .
>) De + lequel duquel (dookel)
>) De + lesquels desquels (dekel)
>) De + lesquelles desquelles (dezkel)
*) Quel livre veux-tu? >> Which book do you want?
(Kel leevr v tu?)
Here we are asking the type of book.
*) Lequel veux-tu? [Quel livre?] >> Which one do you want?
(Leekel v tu?)
Here we are asking the name of the book among all.
*) Je veux la pomme la-bas. >> I want the apple over there.
(Je v la paume laa bhas.)
Laquelle? (Quelle pomme?) >> Which one?(Which apple?)
*) Je pense a mon frere. >> I'm thinking about my brother.
( Je paunse a maun fre).
Auquel penses-tu? (A quel frere..) >> Which one are you thinking about?
(Okel paunse tu?)
*) Le livre dans lequel j'ai ecrit... >> The book in which I wrote....
(Le leevr dans leekel jai achree.)
*) La ville a laquelle je songe.. >> The town about which i'm dreaming..
( La veel a lakel je saunge).
*) Le cinema pres duquel j'ai mange.. >> The theater near which I ate
(Le cinema phre dookel) OR
The theater I ate near......
*) Nouns,Articles an Demonstrative Adjectives :-
All nouns in French have a gender,either masculine or feminine.For the
most part,you must memorize the gender,but there are some endings of words
that will help you decide which gender a noun is.Nouns ending in -age,ir and
-meant are usually masculine,as are nouns ending with a consonant.Nouns
ending in -ure,-sion,-ence,-ance,-te and -ette are usually feminine.
Articles and Adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they
modify.And articles have to be expressed even though they aren't always in
English,and you may have to repeat the article in some cases.Demonstrative are
like strong definite articles.
>) La voiture (laa vachyu) ---- The car
>) La boutique (la bootik) ---- The butique
>) La livre (leevr) --- The book
>) La jupe (laa jup) ---- The skirt
>) La masion ( la maizo) ---- The house
>) La serviette (la sehveeyet) ---- The napkin or the towel
>) La ete (la ate) ---- The summer
>) La gestion (la gausteeyon) ---- The administration
*) Definite articles(The)- The French definite article corresponds to the in
English.These article indicates a specific noun
>) Masculine >) Feminine >) Before vowel >) Plural
*) Le lit *) la pomme *) l'oiseaux *) les garcon
(le lee) (la paume) (lozo) (le gakhson)
*) Le livre *) la boutique *) l'hotel *) les femme
(Le leevr) (laa booteel) (lotel) (lez farm)
Example :-
>) Je vais a la banque >> i'm going to the bank
(Je vaiz a la baunk)
here you are specifying the place where you are going.
>) Voici le livre que j'ai lu >> Here is the book i read.
(vaizi le leevr k jai tu)
Here you are specifying the book which you have already read.
*) Indefinite articles(A,An,some)- The Singular indefinite articles in French
correspond to a,an,or one in English.
>) Masculine >) Feminine
*) Un ami(yun amee) *) une amie(yun amee)
*) Un livre (a leevr) *) une fille(yun fee)
*) ll y a un studiant dans la salle >> There is one student in the room.
(Eelya un atudeeyaunt)
Here you are only generally specifying the student.
*) J'ai une soeur - >> i have one sister.
(Jai yun sir.)
Here you are specifying the sister in general.
*) Partitive Articles :- The partitive articles in French correspond to some or
any in ENglish.There are four forms of the French partitive article.
>) Masculine(de+le) >) feminine >) Before vowel >) Plural
*) Du *) de la *) de l' *) des
*) Du pain de la glace de l' des bonbons
(Doo paan) (de la glass) (de lo) (dez bonbon)
*) Du the de la biere de l'huile des grafitis
(Doo thee) (de la bear) (de hui) (dez grafeetes)
NOTE : de+la remains unchanged.
Prepositions : They are those little words that are placed in front of nouns in
order to indicate a relationship that noun and a verb, an adjective, or
another noun.
*) je vais a Paris - I am going to Paris
(J vai a pahi).
*) Tu es dans la salle - You are in the room.
(Tu a danz la saal).
*) Le stylo est pour toi. - The pen is for you
(Le steelo a pur tua).
>) Forms with the Prepositions "a" and "de"
1) with a (to,at)
a+la=do not change
>) au restaurant(o resthoro).
>) au banque (o bonc).
>) aux enfants (o onfo).
2) with de(of,from)
De+la=do not change
>) De la region(de l regeo).
>) Des chomeurs (des chomer).
>) Du directeur (du directer).
*) More prepositions are depuis,a cote de,dans, en, avec,contre,en,durant,
entre,par,parmien face de,sans sur ,vers
>) Depuis deux ans je reste ici. >> Since two years i am staying here.
(Depui d o je resth ici.)
>) Elle est avec son frere. >> She is with her brother.
(L a avec saun freh.)
>) Ma masion est a cote de la banque. >> My home is next to the bank.
(Maa maizo a a cote de la baunk.)
>) Je vais vers deux heures. >> i am going around 2'o clock.
(Je vais veh dez a.)